【商品名】 Barbie バービーの色が皮をむき出しの皮の色を明らかにする人形セットは、紫色の皮むきやペット、2つの人魚にインスパイアされたルックス用の衣服とアクセサリー付きの16のミステリーバッグを含む25の驚きを明らかにしましたBarbie Color Reveal Peel Mermaid Fashion Reveal Doll Set with 25 Surprises Including Purple Peel-able Doll & Pet & 16 Mystery Bags with Clothes & Accessories for 2 Mermaid-Inspired Looks【商品説明】 ・This Barbie Color Reveal doll set delivers the ultimate delight with 25 surprises and a fantasy fashion mermaid transformation! ・Kids unbox this multi-piece set to find a Color Reveal Barbie doll and 1 Color Reveal pet, both in a pink peel-able coating, 2 complete unicorn-inspired fashion doll looks, 4 repeat color-change features, and more ・Kids can start the experience by opening the package and removing the 16 mystery bags with hidden contents -its easy with peel-able panels in the front. ・Remove the doll from one of the surprise bags, tear off a small portion of the coating, then peel to reveal her look -so easy! ・Open the rest of the 15 mystery bags to reveal their surprises -1 Color Reveal pet, 2 fantasy fashion looks and additional mermaid-themed accessories for the doll and pet, and more